The enterprise AI journey feels like it's been happening at breakneck speed but it's taken quite some time to implement successful rules-based unattended automation. The good news is that most global corporate enterprises are gaining wins at the very least at the proof of concept level.
2020 enterprise AI is about integrating rules-based unattended automation with cognitive technologies; boosting business intelligence with analytics; harnessing AI for better customer insights and service; and improving operational excellence with AI.
Each of these themes is covered in the AI for Enterprise Asia agenda. Register now.
Agenda Highlights:
Integrating automation with cognitive technologies
In this session, panelists discuss the top six (6) mistakes many make along their AI journey, how companies have overcome the obstacles and have used the situation to be better equipped to continue their path to success. How can lessons learned be replicated in other industries?
Boosting business intelligence with analytics
Harnessing Health Data and Analytics to Transform MOH’s Patient Care, Operations and Service Planning
Unlocking the value of data requires more than just data science competencies. This case study will cover the key enablers required to harness the value of data and some real life examples of its application.
Case Study: Prudential Assurance - Optimising the Power of Predictive Analytics to “Solve the Problem Before It Becomes a Problem”
Discovering how to effectively utilise predictive analytics to generate future insights; Realizing how to understand patterns and generate predictive models to make proactive decisions; Utilsing different cognitive applications to effectively turn legacy data into actionable insights.
Harnessing AI for better customer insights and service
Timibot is a chatbot used in retail trade processing to provide more efficient service to consumers and also to increase order transaction rate for merchants. It has been optimised for 100 product categories. Beyond Taobao platform, Alibaba is also exploring other service channels and features including WeChat and merchants’ own mobile platform applications to enable seamless omni-channel interactions.
Improving operational excellence through AI
As one of the world's foremost digital industrial company, GE is helping to drive digital transformation across various industries - energy being a key one. Using knowledge of both physics and analytics, GE works with some of the world's biggest energy companies, to use machine learning and AI to improve reliability, efficiency and reduce operating costs in current business environment. Removing business silos and looking at an integrated 'value chain' approach, customers are moving on a journey of digital maturity and knowledge workers.
Register now.