25 - 26 June, 2019 | Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington, London, United Kingdom
Agenda Day 2
8:30 am - 9:00 am Registration and Coffee
9:00 am - 9:15 am Chairperson's Welcome
9:15 am - 9:45 am Leveraging Advanced Analytics & AI to Exploit Data and Improve Organisational Outcomes
- Market snapshot: What is happening in the market right now and how is it anticipated to change in the future
- Department overview and objectives: Collecting, exploring, analysing and managing quality data to improve organisational outcomes
- Challenges of operating in a public organisation: Demonstrating ROI, culture and change management
- Find and fix: Exploring regtech and suptech that can solve the bank’s unique problems
- Turning fun proofs of concept into organisation wide solutions
9:45 am - 10:15 am Overcoming the Biggest Obstacle to the Adoption of ML and AI
- Examining some of the common reasons the ML and AI projects fail in big organisations
- Unpacking the cultural and organisational obstacles to successful deployment
- Looking at how to move quickly from rapid prototyping to full scale production
- The destructive impacts of over-hyping technology
10:15 am - 10:45 am Morning Coffee and Networking Break
10:45 am - 11:15 am Scaling Advanced Analytics and AI Projects throughout the Enterprise
- Highlighting the benefits of AA & AI scalability: Speed and quality
- Identifying and selecting the right AI pilot projects and implementing them effectively
- Finding the right partner: Experience with scaling up, flexibility and AI expertise
- Successfully transitioning from proof of concept to full scale production
- Continuously measuring success and optimisation the project
11:15 am - 12:15 pm Panel Discussion: Strategies to Move from Proof of Concepts into Deployment
- What are the fundamental stages an organisation will go through on their journey to scale AA & AI projects
- How can you ensure the right culture, skills and leadership team are driving new initiatives?
- How do you build the business case, secure buy-in and secure budget?
- How do you ensure the right use cases are chosen to build value quickly with your stakeholders?
- What are the common pitfalls and obstacles that keep AA & AI projects from progressing to through to the next stage
- How can you overcome specific integration, security and support challenges?
- What tips can you share to scale successful projects?
- What should be considered when selecting technology suppliers?
- How do you measure your organisations progress with AA & AI projects?
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Lunch and Networking Break
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm Interactive Roundtable Discussions: Creating and Developing an AI Roadmap
This interactive session will provide a platform for collaborative discussion and problem solving to ensure you have the necessary tools to develop an affective AI roadmap. You will break into five groups and have 45 minutes to solve your dedicated problem and/or develop a strategy to manage it. Each group will then provide a two minute summary to the entire audience sharing their key discussion points and takeaways.
- Identifying key stakeholders within the business and getting support from leadership
- Remaining realistic about capabilities, timelines and budgets required to make a positive impact
- Defining the business problem and challenges that could potentially be solved using AI technologies
- Ensuring data quality is at optimum levels to build unbiased and accurate models
- Validating the AI model and re-tuning it to maximise its potential uses and applications
2:15 pm - 2:45 pm Implementation of Analytics in Internal Audit Function
- Understanding how analytics can transform internal audit
- Critical success factors: Ensuring the right people with the right skills are on board
- Strategy development and creating a roadmap to success
- Technology selection and project implementation
- Reviewing successful use cases within the bank and future plans to scale them across different departments
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Advanced Analytics to Improve Loyalty and Engagement
- The importance of agility: Maintaining pace in a fast moving technology market and keeping abreast of customer’s changing needs and priorities
- Viewing all interaction points along the customer journey to achieve a single view of the customer
- Unlocking the value from customer data to identify trends, history and customer profile to understand your customers’ needs and grow lifetime value
- Developing the right architecture and selecting the right vendors to collect and analyse important behavioural insights