Connect with fellow data & analytifs leaders to solve similar challenges.
Share your perspective on biggest challenges and influence the direction of the CDAO role within the organization and the industry itself.
Hear the dialogue on key topic areas that are impacting your role today and learn how your peers are tackling their initiatives.
30 minute consultative meetings on key solution areas.
My company's annual revenue is $1 Billion or above
I control or directly influence where the data & analytics budget is spent
I sit in the C-Suite or report directly to the C-Suite
I manage corporate strategy at the regional, divisional or group level
As your organization's data & analytics leader, the CDAO Exchange is here to support you along your thought leadership journey.
The CDAO Exchange offers you the chance to do business with some of the most prestigious organizations in the world.
The CDAO Exchange provides many different platforms for cutting-edge solution providers to increase their market share and awareness to their target audience through leveraging different sponsorship opportunities.
If you would like more information on how to become an attendee at our Exchange contact us:
Craig Williams
Head of Executive Audience Development
For more information on how the CDAO Exchange is uniquely placed to help you shape and deliver your message to a targeted audience view our sponsorship prospectus or contact us now!
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