The Global Business Leader Award for CDAOs recognizes D&A leaders - and the teams who make them successful - for their positive influence and impact they have on a global scale. As the world gets smaller, our informational borders blur and people and organizations from diverse contexts need to understand one another better to transform and progress. The CDAO Exchange Community looks to recognize those leaders and their teams who are making a positive contribution on a global scale. This awards program is entirely peer and community driven. Finalists and winners will be selected by their peers and the wider community.

Award Categories Include

Global Strategy and Execution Award

Data & Analytics Leader and Team with the best global strategy and execution

Apply | Nominate

Global Team Collaboration Award

Data & Analytics Leader and Team with the best collaboration on a global scale

Apply | Nominate

Global Impact Award 

Leader and Team who had a positive impact on their global business, ecosystem, employees and/or society

Apply | Nominate

Global Solution Provider Award 

Solution provider who can scale and manage the complexity of a global organizations’ needs

Apply | Nominate

Process for applying or nominating a leader and team for the awards:

  • You may apply or nominate a leader and team for one or more categories
  • Complete the nomination form (required)
  • Answer the 3 questions provided (required)
  • Attach video, whitepapers, presentations, photos to support the nomination (optional)
  • The nomination will be posted on the CDAO Exchange website for the community to view and vote on prior to the conference
  • The finalists will be announced December 10, 2022
  • The winner of each category will be selected by the CDAO community attending The Global CDAO Exchange
  • Awards will be presented at The Global CDAO Exchange January 29-31, 2023
  • Finalists must be present to win