A hybrid cloud is an approach that has been gaining momentum over the last few years. Under the premises of workload portability and mobility, seamless orchestration, cost reduction, improved scalability, and control as well as business continuity, many companies have already embarked on this journey. This session will showcase proven approaches to developing highly effective hybrid cloud strategies and you’ll gain in-depth insight into,
DevSecOps CICD pipeline demo focused on automating security inspection and configuration management tasks. Learn how to employ a variety of code analysis techniques and security testing/strengthening components for better developer accountability and code quality.
All businesses must maintain certain levels of compliance. In the current climate where teams work remotely and delivery timeframes are expanded, it has become more difficult to maintain specific standards. Often these tasks are repetitive, labor-intensive but necessary. Such tasks are similar to doing homework at school, important and required but no one really wants to spend their free time managing it. This is where automation comes into play, taking those critical processes and delivering changes in a simple, logical and highly scalable way means not only a more secure and compliant enterprise but teams can focus efforts on revenue-generating activities.
The key takeaways include,