Why RPA Technology Pays For Itself

Why RPA Technology Pays For Itself

Rohit Nambiar was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of AXA AFFIN Life Insurance Berhad in December 2017.

Prior to this, he was Chief Transformation and Operations Officer in charge of Transformation, Operations, IT and Big Data. In both roles Nambiar has been closely involved with the organisation’s RPA programme and is a big supporter of the technology. In this exclusive interview he shares the highs and the lows of his RPA work; the impressive ROI and the lessons learnt.

  • Read his interview and find outt:
  • Why RPA is the technology that pays for itself
  • How his relationship with RPA has changed with his shift in roles
  • How his team built a successful RPA implementation programme on the back of a project failure
  • Why their eMedic project was able to be launched in a very short period
  • What’s next for RPA in Malaysia 

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