28-29 August 2018
Cordis, Hong Kong
Subir Chandra, SVP, Head of Experience Design and Digital Transformation, CRO Office, Risk management Group at DBS Bank

Subir Chandra

SVP, Head of Experience Design and Digital Transformation, CRO Office, Risk management Group
DBS Bank

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Subir.

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Conference Day One – Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Tuesday, June 19th, 2018

2:10 PM How DBS, the Best Digital Bank in the World, is Leading the Change Using Data, RPA, Design Thinking, Culture of Experimentation

Almost all industries are seeing strong headwinds and a lot of them are on the cusp of major disruption. This is a moment which will make and break economies, industries and leave a major impact in people’s lives, some positive and some not so positive. In this case study, the presenter would take you through the DBS journey to find out how DBS is transforming itself in HR, Credit and others. This is a moment where one can’t be a bystander but have to be an observer, discover the real problem to solve and then implement it quickly and firmly.