Gain Visibility & Access to Philippine’s Early & Advanced RPA Players
As organisations across Asia power up their operations with Robotic Process Automation (RPA), the Philippines has emerged as one of the leading markets where technology adoption has been moving at a rapid pace. Shared service centres, financial services and other industries alike are aggressively investing in RPA to reduce costs, optimise operational efficiencies, and support business digitalisation and transformation.
As the market continues to mature, organisations are progressing towards enterprise-wide RPA deployment and intelligent automation. Organisations are keen to further explore RPA and its advanced capabilities for higher gains and this is where you come in.
Following two consecutive years of success, Philippine’s early adopters and mature RPA practitioners will gather at the 3rd Robotic Process Automation Philippines conference to decide the next step in their automation roadmap.
Do not miss this opportunity to showcase thought-leadership and demonstrate your cutting-edge RPA solutions!
3 Easy Ways to Get Involved:
Thought Leadership: With a room full of senior decision makers driving RPA projects in their organizations, the 3rd Annual RPA Philippines Summit enables you to build your reputation as a market leader in your chosen domain through panel discussion, on-stage interview, roundtable discussion, workshops and so on.
Branding: We bring together buyers and suppliers in a tailored location with unbeatable facilities for on-site branding and exposure. Furthermore, our dedicated marketing team can help you achieve your promotional aims in the months leading up to the conference with dedicated mailings to cover thousands of contacts through brochure drops, e-mail campaigns and tailored web coverage.
Featured Networking: Focused and high level, this event will provide you with the perfect environment to initiate new business relationships through one-to-one business meetings that overcrowded tradeshows cannot deliver.
Sponsorship opportunities range from exhibition stands to speaking opportunities, sponsored lunches, cocktail receptions, and a host of informal social networking events. Contact us now at +65 6722 9388 or email to discuss how we can tailor our sponsorship packages to suit your business objectives.