Gain Access To The AIIA Roundtable (by taking a survey and not being a vendor)

And get the results of the survey too

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The AIIA Roundtable:

Not open to vendors, we're running the AIIA Roundtable- an exclusive digital mini-event.


How We Set Up The P&G CoE


-Presented by Tony Saldanha

Scaling Up: Achieving Global Enterprise Intelligent Automation

-Hosted by Janette Fjeldstad, Circle K & Marcin Nowakowsi, BNP Paribas


The only way you can gain access to the AIIA Roundtable is by:

  • Being a corporate enterprise practitioner (not a vendor)
  • Filling out the AIIA Survey The AIIA Survey

Click here to take the anonymous AIIA Survey (10 minutes)

Oh, and you'll be the one of the only people to see the results from the survey (a snapshot of Q2's results are above).



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