[E-Book] The case for automation

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Danny Major
Danny Major

The longstanding fallacy of achieving ‘more for less’, is now not just possible, it’s already being achieved through intelligent automation

automationImage source: Thoughtonomy

Productivity is becoming the great conundrum of the modern world. From businesses to consumers and even in politics – everyone wants more for less. Technology has delivered such rapid advances in speed and efficiency that people have begun to take them for granted.

However, these expectations are frequently not met by reality. Whilst consumer electronics have increased at pace, many businesses and organisations use legacy equipment and applications, relying on manual processing to deliver results. Regularly upgrading major systems can be costly and disruptive for businesses that need to continue seamless commerce, and yet relying on outdated applications and manual systems can cost businesses their competitive edge. A difficult conundrum.

The solution: intelligent process automation technology

Process automation enables large volumes of tasks (e.g. repetitive data entry) to be achieved quickly and with the highest degrees of accuracy, whilst reducing costs and improving efficiency.

Thoughtonomy’s use case whitepaper provides several real world examples of how intelligent process automation has resulted in improved productivity, cost savings and compliance across a variety of business departments.

automation use caseDownload the Thoughtonomy whitepaper to discover:

  • How automation processing can save companies 50-70% on labour costs
  • Recovering lost efficiencies and gaining significant competitive advantage
  • How intelligent automation frees employees from mundane tasks to work in synergy alongside technology

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