Here’s how intelligent automation will unlock potential in your enterprise

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Terry Walby
Terry Walby

Introducing Evolution Edition: Thoughtonomy explains why this IA platform could be the last your business will ever need

Intelligent automation

Concerns regarding the stagnation of knowledge worker productivity continue to rise; but in an era of near record employment, the on-going skills crisis is constraining business evolution and growth in many ways.

How many business opportunities have not been grasped due to the lack of available skills or resources? How many change programs delayed, and product/ service innovations postponed? Yet just consider what could be achieved with instant access to an unlimited pool of talented, focused labor. One that was not only low cost, but paid for as a service, based on usage?

What level of customer engagement could be achieved? Or new market areas explored?

This is the promise of a virtual workforce; a digital labor pool that can scale up and down in line with business need and, critically, can be deployed across an array of business areas and use cases.

In a market dominated by point solutions that are limited to one process or activity, it is this inherent flexibility and broad applicability that are key to realizing the vision of Intelligent Automation.

In this eBook, Thoughtonomy explains how their Evolution Edition platform will help achieve innovation and change and unlock potential that can continuously scale inline with business requirements and opportunities.

ThoughtonomyBy downloading this eBook you will discover…

  • Why Thoughtonomy’s Evolution Edition is the last Intelligent Automation solution you will ever need
  • Rethinking Productivity & Three core technology principles: The Cloud, Software Robotics, and AI
  • Evolution Edition in Operation: Understanding & Structuring, Orchestration, Execution, and Learning 



Click on the button below to download the Thoughtonomy eBook, The last intelligent automation platform your business will ever need, in full.

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