Achieving Hyperautomation with Unstructured Data Processing

Why the Next Step on Your Digital Transformation Journey is Unstructured Data Processing (UDP)

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While organizations are generating more data than ever before, that vast majority of that data is unstructured and, as a result, unusable for most organizations. 

However, what if you could transform unstructured data such as videos, audio recordings, images and email text into actionable insights? Furthermore, what if you could use this data to create new products, services and revenue streams?

AI-powered unstructured data processing (UDP) goes beyond standard intelligent document processing by enabling organizations to extract structured data from all types of potential data sources. Using a combination of AI techniques such as computer vision, natural language processing (NLP) and voice analytics, UDP automates the end-to-end unstructured data processing lifecycle increasing both efficiency and accuracy. 

For those organizations looking to scale innovation and implement hyperautomation, UDP is a key enabling technology for achieving these objectives. To elaborate on how to UDP fits into the hyperautomation ecosystem, we asked the experts from to share a handful of case studies that showcase how real-world businesses are using UDP automation complex processes from end-to-end. 


Watch and find out how organizations similar to yours are using UPD to:

  • Extract valuable information from images, videos, audio, text, and documents
  • Automate a broad set of business processes that involve unstructured data to achieve cost savings, reduce errors, and improve customer satisfaction
  • Realize the dream of becoming a fully autonomous enterprise



  • Manish Rai, VP of Marketing, Super.AI
  • Brad Cordova, Founder & CEO, Super.AI


To watch the full 30 minute session, just enter your email below. 

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