Improve communication in your office of finance
4 steps for more effective and efficient communication in your office of finance.
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Download the whitepaper for 4 steps for more effective and efficient communication in your office of finance.
Sink or swim
Accountants and finance professionals are traditionally
numbers people with exceptional organizational skills
and attention to detail. But the ability for an individual
to communicate well both verbally and orally is equally
as important; particularly as the role of the finance team
is evolving to be more advisory. A well-run meeting or
well-written email outlining key actions can make the
difference between a large-scale project or audit sinking
or swimming.
Collaborative dashboard
Trying to communicate well while using antiquated manual
processes meant that things like the financial close weren’t
just a frustrating set of tasks to complete, they were a
nightmare. Clear communication is impossible when
data is spread across countless binders, documents, and
various team members’ heads. But modern technology
means that all the data can be kept in the same place,
providing a single source of truth, capturing all inputs, and
allowing much better communications and collaboration
between colleagues.